We apply for divorce at our free will and signed divorced agreement under unanimous disposal of take care of our children, assets and liabilities. 我们双方自愿离婚,对于子女抚养、财产、债务等事项已达成一致处理意见并共同签署了离婚协议书。
The new regulatory environment will free them up to concentrate on allocating assets and managing client portfolios, rather than simply trading on an unfair, tax and secrecy-led advantage to entice money looking for a clandestine home. 新的监管环境将把它们解放出来,让它们能专注于资产配置和管理客户的投资组合,而不只是利用以税收和保密为导向的不公平优势,来吸引那些寻找藏身之所的资金。
The current regulations limit the free flow of state-owned assets in the market. 当前的法规限制了国有酒店在市场的自由发展。
Has the HKSAR government maintained complete control over fiscal and economic policies and safeguarded the free movement of goods, assets and capital? 香港特别行政区政府是否仍然全权制定本身的财政和经济政策,并保障货物、财产和资本自由流动?
There is an air of desperation in Benghazi as the rebels watch their Western patrons slowly try to free up tens of billions of dollars from frozen Libyan assets. 现在,班加西笼罩着一种绝望的气氛,反政府军看到他们的西方支持者们正慢慢地试图从利比亚被冻结的资产中释放出数百亿美元。
But if the world were free to buy Chinese assets, the capital inflow would explode, too. 但如果外部世界可自由购置中国资产,那么资金流入也会激增。
We must free up the flow of credit to consumers and businesses by reducing the risk posed by troubled assets. 我们必须通过降低不良资产带来的风险,放开对消费者和工商企业的流动资金贷款。
Free movement of assets and liquidity among members of a financial group without the consent of the host supervisor could end in tears. 在未得到所在地监管机构批准的情况下,允许资产和流动性在一家金融集团的各成员之间自由流动,可能会以悲剧收场。
Enterprises are free of charge of the land use fee during the construction period and enjoy deferral of the fixed assets investment adjustment tax. 中外企业在建设期间免交土地使用费,缓征固定资产投资方向调节税。
Whenever one asset class goes into free fall, institutions are forced to sell other assets to meet margin calls, amid a climate of mistrust. 任何时候当一种资产类别急剧下跌时,在信任缺失的氛围下,机构都会被迫出售其他资产来满足追加保证金的要求。
Davis: You can literally go on and for free organize all of your digital assets. 戴维斯:你可以真正免费地继续管理所有的数字资产。
When central bank money is almost free, prices of risky assets are recovering and competitors have disappeared or are weakened, making money is a relatively simple matter for the strong survivors. 当央行几乎免费提供资金,风险资产价格回升,竞争对手消失或被削弱时,赚钱对于幸存的强大金融机构来说相对简单。
Comparing with a fixed charge, a floating charge shows its most distinctive advantage in that the borrower is free to dispose of the secured assets during the ordinary course of its business until the floating charge crystallizes. 相对于固定担保制度而言,浮动担保制度最大的优点是借款人在其企业正常的生产经营过程中具有自由处分其担保财产的权利,直至浮动担保结晶。
The author comes up with free controlled assets hypothesis. 进一步提出了“自由控制资产假说”。
The transfer process from planned economy to the free market economy is, in fact, a process of assets capitalization yet again. 由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程,实质上也是一个资产再资本化的过程。
With the free ot charge on the assets of rural power plan, how to manage the low-voltage grid in rural areas is an issue of power companies face. 随着农电资产的无偿上划,如何管理农村的低压台区是公司农电工作面临的一个课题。
But for most media lack the awareness of protecting trademarks, the media and media brands are used for some "free riders" to be registered as other kinds of good or service trademarks, so that the media lose the intangible assets of trademarks. 然而由于目前大多数媒介缺乏对自身商标的保护意识,有不少人利用媒介和媒介品牌的知名度搭便车,将其抢注为其他的商品或服务商标,造成了媒介商标这一无形资产的流失。
It is different from the traditional security system "Fixed security". its uppermost character is: enterprise hold the free Disposition right of security assets whether or not in the ordinary course of business. 浮动担保制度与传统担保物权制度下的固定担保相区别,最主要的特征是企业在正常的经营活动中是否保留对担保资产的自由处分权。
In this part, the regression model explains the relation between the performance change of listed cooperation after SEO and the key factors, such as the free cash flow, the asset scale, the growth, the investing level about the tangible assets. 本部分通过模型回归,结果表明,上市公司增发前的自由现金流、资产规模、成长性、有形资产投资水平对增发后上市公司的业绩表现存在影响。
Therefore, asset securitization not only raises the free cash flow, increases the liquidity and the fund utilization efficiency, reduces the risk of stock assets, but also raises the value of enterprise. 因此企业资产证券化不但增加了企业自由现金流,提高了资产流动性和资金使用效率,而且降低了存量资产的风险,是非常有效的资产负债管理方法,从而提高企业的价值。
This shows that the choice of reserves 'currency will not only affect the free role of reserve assets, also the ability of value-adding. 可见,储备货币的选择不仅会影响到储备资产作用的充分发挥,还会影响到储备资产的增值能力。